Maritime Data Summary
Strengthening Skills Training And Career Pathways Across
The Transportation Industry: “Data Report on Future Transportation Workforce Needs – August 2015″
Average Age
Projected Job Openings by 2022
Fastest growth in the industry will be in the West Coast, Gulf Coast and Upper Mid-Atlantic regions.
The top two jobs with the highest median salaries, currently have a 33% gap between projected job openings in comparison to the completion rate in educational supported programs.
Captains, Mates
Openings: 29,454
Median Salary: $73,757
Ship Engineers
Openings: 9,451
Median Salary: $73,674
Data Analysis Includes NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes:
48311 Deep Sea, Coastal and Great Lakes Water Transportation
48321 Inland Water Transportation
48831 Port and Harbor Operations
48832 Marine Cargo Handling
48833 Navigational Services to Shipping
48839 Other Support Activities for Water Transportation
Industries in the Water Transportation sub-sector provide water transportation of passengers and cargo using watercraft such as ships, barges, and boats. The sub-sector is composed of two industry groups: (1) one for deep sea, coastal, and Great Lakes; and (2) one for inland water transportation. This split typically reflects the difference in equipment used.
The following Support Activities for Water Transportation were also included in the analysis. Port and Harbor Operation comprise establishments primarily engaged in operating ports, harbors (including docking and pier facilities), or canals. Marine Cargo Handling comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing stevedoring and other marine cargo handling services (except warehousing). Navigational Services to Shipping comprise establishments primarily engaged in providing navigational services to shipping. Marine salvage establishments are included in this industry. Examples: – Docking and undocking marine vessel services – Piloting services, water transportation – Marine vessel traffic reporting services – Tugboat services, harbor operation.
Other Support Activities for Water Transportation include establishments primarily engaged in providing services for water transportation (except port and harbor operations, marine cargo handling services, shipping navigational services).
This analysis covers workers engaged in the transportation of people and goods. Shipbuilding and manufacturing of other watercrafts is not the focus of the report.
Top Jobs by 2016-2022
(Below are the projected total job openings by position with respective median salaries these figures are based on Maritime industry growth and attrition).
Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels
Openings: 29,454
Median Salary: $73,757
Sailors and Marine Oilers
Openings: 35,159
Median Salary: $38,605
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators
Openings: 7,367
Median Salary: $43,722
Material Moving Workers, All Other
Openings: 5,641
Median Salary: $37,523
Crane and Tower Operators
Openings: 3,093
Median Salary: $47,902
Laborers and Freight, Stock and Material Movers, Handlers
Openings: 30,556
Median Salary: $31,949
Ship Engineers
Openings: 9,541
Median Salary: $73,674
Tank Car, Truck and Ship Loaders
Openings: 5,928
Median Salary: $41,434
First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Machine and Vessel Operators
Openings: 3,310
Median Salary: $68,557
Cargo and Freight Agents
Openings: 2,711
Median Salary: $45,488
Total Projected Job Openings in 2022 = 132,760