What is Maritime
Maritime describes objects or activities related to the sea. Academically, it encompasses many topics involving our relationships with our world’s major waterways. The USA Maritime industry directly or indirectly provides or supports hundreds of thousands of domestic and international jobs. Maritime topics support our global shipping and security initiatives. Water-based transport is cost effective, environmentally sound, and plays a humanitarian function in distributing food to the poor and responding to global emergencies.
21st Century Workforce
The U.S. Departments of Education, Transportation, and Labor recently worked together with industry stakeholders to project the employment and skill needs of the transportation industry over the next 10 years. The purpose was to ensure that America has job-driven education and workforce development systems in place that can provide students, job seekers, and workers with the skills needed for these careers. The report identifies high-demand jobs with good wages, analyzes the patterns in the education and work experience required for entry, and on-the-job training required for new entrants to gain full competency. The report cited that Career and Technical Education programs of study, beginning in high school and continuing into postsecondary education or apprenticeship, could provide the foundational and early occupational skills training needed because there will be more than 130k vacancies by year 2022 with median annual salaries of $32k-$74k that will not require a college degree. An overview of this study can be found under the next tab titled “Maritime Data Summary.”
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