Military Science
The four pillars of our program are Academics, Leadership, Citizenship, and Athletics. Utilizing a military science framework, we will graduate cadets who meet the admissions requirements for any college in the nation, while also preparing to be future leaders of character for maritime careers. Pacific Maritime Academy will develop leadership skills and promote a sense of pride and community, requiring our cadets to wear a complete uniform each day and begin each day with a formation that includes patriotic exercises. All cadets will participate and will be assigned to units within a military chain of command (squads, platoons, companies, and battalions within the Corps of PMA Cadets). Cadets will assume increased responsibility through various positions of leadership during their tenure at PMA. Each academic classroom will use military protocols and cadet leadership structures to promote order and discipline. Cadets will also learn military customs and achieve promotions and awards for their accomplishments. The military dimension of the school will promote patriotic spirit and respect for the democratic ideals of our society.
Our goal is to ensure that each cadet:
- Develops citizenship and patriotism
- Develops self-reliance and responsiveness to all authority
- Improves their ability to communicate well both orally and in writing
- Develops an appreciation of the importance of physical fitness
- Increases their respect for the role of the U.S. Armed Forces in support of national objectives
- Develops a knowledge of team building skills and basic military skills
Our program will enable cadets to better serve their country as leaders, as citizens, and in military service should they enter it. PMA is not an officer-producing program, but it will create favorable attitudes and impressions toward the Armed Services and potential careers in the military.